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May 4, 2012

Sheep Banned From Pesach Sheni Parade

Sunday is Pesach Sheni. Some people, on Pesach Sheni, have a minhag to eat some matza. The main reason for eating matza is to commemorate the korban pesach which would have been brought on Pesach Sheni by someone who was tamei on regular Pesach. Another reason given, in the name of Rav Yaakov Emden, is that when they baked matza as they left Egypt, the matza lasted until the 15th of Iyar, so we commemorate the last bit of the original miracle of the exodus.

What we do, or what some do, is eat matza. What we should be doing is bring the korban pesach because we were not able to on the original date.

According to this report on Ladaat, some "Temple activists" want to do just that - bring a korban pesach. Well, not quite, but that is probably their ultimate goal. They requested a permit to have a "sheep parade" to the entrance of Har HaBayit on Sunday, Pesach Sheni.

The police have so far approved a parade, but only to Binyanei HaUma (from the Central Bus Station)  rather than Har HaBayit, and so far they have only approved it for humans and no sheep.

The activists are saying they are going to petition the courts to force the police to approve it due to freedom of expression and the right to protest.

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