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May 9, 2012

Bet Shemesh Road 10 Opened To Traffic

Mayor Moshe Abutbol test driving the
new portion of road right before it opened
The final strip of road on Road 10 behind Bet Shemesh was finally completed, and today at 11 AM that portion of the road was officially opened. From now on, you can drive from Bet Shemesh, Ramat Bet Shemesh (or from any of the moshavim and cities at the other end of Road 10) and take Road 10 all the way out to Highway 38 past the police station, rather than driving through the Industrial Zone and dealing with the bottlenecked traffic of the main entrance of the city.

According to the statement released today by Mayor of Bet Shemesh Moshe Abutbol,, the northern portion of Road 10, the portion connecting Yigal Alon Blvd to Highway 38, was opened today to traffic. This will decrease dramatically the level of traffic at the older entrances of the city...

Looks like they are blocking traffic and protesting something
Abutbol said, "Many lives will have been saved, and the quality of life of the residents will improve in thanks to the 70 million NIS budget from the Ministry of Transportation and from the Ministry of Construction due to the building of thousands of new apartments in Ramat Bet Shemesh...

The opening of the new road will upgrade invaluably the access roads of the city, but one must remember that we are only talking about a portion of a complete project of which the iryah is working on various aspects of, with the most important being the upgrade of Highway 38, for which we succeeded in getting large government budgets for, and planning of large sections of the highway have already begun, with thanks to the Minister of Housing and Construction Ariel Attias, Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz, the heads of Maatz, public representatives in the Knesset and its committees and specifically the head of the Finance Committee Moshe Gafni, and his representatives in the city Moshe Montag head of the planning and construction division and Deputy Mayor Shmuel Greenberg who is also head of the Traffic Committee."

If I am not mistaken, this northern portion of the road is only open in one direction for now - leaving Bet Shemesh. The direction of entering Bet Shemesh will still require a lot more work to integrate the entrance into the traffic patterns of the highway..
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  1. Just passed by. Yes, it's only open leaving Bet Shemesh for now. Also, I wouldn't recommend using 10 from the Ramah. With the construction and constant redrawing of lanes it is more dangerous than ever. I almost had a head on collision a few weeks ago as someone was coming strait at me in my lane. I'll wait until it's finished to use that portion of the road.

  2. Does Abutbol really talk like this? What does he have against periods?

  3. Does anyone know how he turnoff from 38 to 10 is going to work? Will there be a light? An underpass?

  4. Kudos to Mayor Abutbol for seeing the this part of the project through to completion! Let's wish him success in guiding the other infrastructure works - with which he is involved - toward the same outcome.


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